As part of MABRRI’s Universities and the SDGs: Engaging the campus community with the 2030 Agenda project, this webpage is an SDG resource hub for both youth and educators. We hope that by providing youth access to SDG resources, we can help facilitate conversations and initiatives to increase engagement and implementation for the SDGs.
What are the SDGs?
Established in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) act as a blueprint that all world nations can follow to achieve social, economic, and cultural prosperity while simultaneously caring for and protecting the earth. The cooperation of many different sectors, including academic institutions, is necessary in order to achieve all 17 SDGs by the year 2030.
While it is important for the SDGs to be addressed at a large scale, it is equally important for local level implementation of the SDGs to aid in achieving them by 2030. Collaboration from all sectors and levels, including youth, community groups, and local organizations, ensures that nobody will be left behind in the development of a more sustainable future. The SDGs are universal enough to be applied within a large and small-scale lens, allowing it to be accessible on all levels. With many initiatives still aimed at raising awareness of the SDGs, youth play a vital role in securing them into our future.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Youth Community Grant Program
Youth play an important role in achieving change for the future, including implementing the SDGs. MABRRI and the MABR are supporting youth in developing and executing local initiatives in the MABR that contribute to the SDGs. The SDGs Youth Community Grant Program is a competitive award program aimed at funding youth-led SDG projects within the MABR, which ranges from Nanoose Bay to Qualicum Bay.
If you are interested in submitting an application for this program, please refer to the grant summary page and application form below for more information.
Application Deadline: TBD
Funding: A total of $2,000 is available through this funding program. Applicants are encouraged to match funding through in-kind contribution opportunities if available.
If you have any questions, please contact MABRRI Research and Community Engagement Coordinator, Jessica Pyett, at
Check out this video to learn more about the SDGs and the grant program!
SDG Resources
Included below are several resources to help engage youth in the SDGs.
Resources for Teachers
United Nations: Take action for the sustainable development goals. This website introduces you to the SDGs and provides you with everything you need to know about the SDGs. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations: Here are a variety of student resources that include printable worksheets and games, online quizzes, daily actions that can contribute to the SDGs, and much more. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Student Resources
UNESCO sustainable development goals - teaching resources. This website is a resource for teaching the SDGs. Each SDG gives a lesson plan and some classroom activities. Resources are available for early childhood education, primary education, and secondary education. Sustainable Development Goals - Resources for Educators
Educators across the world are taking on the #TeachSDGs Initiative. This website provides access to a network of educators who are actively implementing the SDGs into their classrooms. It also provides useful resources to assist educators, including videos, global projects, and official united nations resources for teachers and students. Teach SDGs
Resources for Youth
United Nations: Take action for the sustainable development goals. This website introduces you to the SDGs and provides you with everything you need to know about the SDGs. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Young Person’s Guide: changing the world edition - This document outlines how youth can actively participate in changing their community. It also gives several suggestions on where to start. Young Persons Guide - Changing the World Edition