On Friday morning, Graham, Mike, Ryan and I set out for Spider Lake, on the Northwest side of the biosphere region. There we did our first exploration by paddle.
The weather was perfect, with only a couple high clouds in the bright blue sky. It heated up around lunch time enough for a quick dip. The water was surprisingly warm for May!
As we made our way around the lake, we bumped into a noisy gaggle of Canada Geese, several swallows, and a soggy bald eagle sitting on his perch in a tall douglas fir. The blue dasher dragonflies were also out in mass, enjoying the sun.
We met and talked to several others out on the water fishing from small boats. Most of them were having about as much luck as we were (which was not much at all). Our guys put out their lines for awhile, but Graham (the birthday boy) was the only one that managed to catch a 10” rainbow trout. We did see a very large bass near the boat launch though. He was probably laughing at us all.
Overall, it was a great day with great company, out in part of this amazing place that we are so fortunate to call home.
Adventure tips
There’s a great little park set up with picnic benches and an outhouse by the small dirt boat launch.
The lake is fairly small, so by May, the water is already great for swimming and hanging out at the beach.
According to the fishermen that we met, the lake was stocked with fish in February.